Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Soundtrack of Your Life

Im not afriad by Eminem- this song tells me not to back down from a challenge I have in my life.Always keep on going foward dont turn back.

O canada by Robert Stanley Weir, Adolphe-Basile Routhier- this song is important because this reminds me of when I became a candian citzenship.

the lazy song by bruno mars- this song reminds me when ever im feeling lazy and being lazy  like doing the ict assiments.

schools out by  Alice Cooper - when ever I listen to this song it reminds me of the good times i had in the
 summer and summers almost here.

remember the name fort mirror i like this song because one of the remix is about Michael Jordan he is the best basketball player ever to play the game of basketball.

spongebob them song  when i was little like five or six i use to love watching spongebob. it reminds me of me when i was younger.

Basketball by Kurtis Blow- i love playing basketball its my favorite sport to play i played basketball for 3 or 4 years now.

we are family  by Sister Sledge  this song reminds me of all the things my mom and dad did f
or me and my brother there have been there for everything. love you guys.

national anthem of Pakistan

this reminds of Pakistan  because i miss my friends and family.




Wednesday, March 14, 2012

how to open a background on power point

Evaluating luxons games

Briefly describe the game, including its objectives
the game is about killing poeple and leveling up and you have to kill 17 guys in the first level.

List two strengths of the game.
it has a lot of weponds and lifes.

List one weakness of the game
I think the level is a bit hard.

rate my game out of 10 10 being hard and 1 being really easy.
ill say about a 8.

what should I change in the game to make it a bit easy.
you should put less bad guys in the game.

Do you think that this game can be enjoyed by all levels of gamers?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Evaluating the Games

Describe your game (including a title).
my game is about the chacter killing the bad people its like a hore beating up the evil guys to protect the city. The games name is wow.

What is the objective of the game?
kill the people to go to next level and kill more people.

Discuss two strengths and one weakness of your game?
I think I did really good at picking people to be in the game and choosing the weponds.The weakness IS I needed to spend more time on the game in class.

What improvements could be made?
by spedning more time on the game and working a bit hardly in class.

What difficulties did you encounter while creating your game?
I didnt know what to pick i had a hard time with that but over all i dont think i found something hard.

What did you have to modify or change from the original design?
I dont think I changed anything.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your performance during this assignment.
The game was easy to make but the desgin I kinda was a bad time with it.

What did you do well?
desgining it.

What could you have done better?
The whole game.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How to record your voice on audacity!

Step 1: first if you don’t have audacity downloads it and put it on your desktop.
Step 2: plug in your head set.
Step 3: then click on the audacity icon 2 times to open it.
Step 4: when you’re ready to record click on the red button.
Step 5: then you say whatever you want when you’re done recording you click the yellow button to stop recording.
Step 6 :good job you’re don’t recording it !

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sploder Video Game - Design

What type of game are you going to produce?
a killing game where you shoot poeple and you kill people and finish game and level up.

What will it look like?
it will take place in a field.

How will the characters be controlled?
They will be controlled by the arrow keys and you shot with the space bar.

What will be the objective of the game?
your going to kill people and go to the next level and kill more people to finish the game.

How are you going to test its functionality?
by letting other people play and telll me what they think.

How will it be evaluated?
I think people will rate is 7.5 out of 10 because im not good at making games.

How long will you need to create it? Give a timeline for its completion.
about 3 to 4 weeks and i will bve finished by february 8th.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sploder Video Game - Plan

What will you do first? Why?
make a character because than i will know what to do next.

How will you insure that you complete the project on time?
 by working on it in class.

Who will test beta versions of your game?
mr parago

Will you incorporate other people’s suggestions into your game’s design?
yes  i will so it can be better.

How will you decide if you have created a good game or not?
ill let people test it than tell me if its good or not.

Friday, January 13, 2012


What makes a “good” game enjoyable to play?
I think a good game is not to hard or easy it should be in the middle. It shouldn't be boring. It shopuld bee well planed out.

What makes a “bad” game not enjoyable to play?
A boring game and to easy to play and it took like 2 mintues to make it .