Describe your game (including a title).
my game is about the chacter killing the bad people its like a hore beating up the evil guys to protect the city. The games name is wow.
What is the objective of the game?
kill the people to go to next level and kill more people.
Discuss two strengths and one weakness of your game?
I think I did really good at picking people to be in the game and choosing the weponds.The weakness IS I needed to spend more time on the game in class.
What improvements could be made?
by spedning more time on the game and working a bit hardly in class.
What difficulties did you encounter while creating your game?
I didnt know what to pick i had a hard time with that but over all i dont think i found something hard.
What did you have to modify or change from the original design?
I dont think I changed anything.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your performance during this assignment.
The game was easy to make but the desgin I kinda was a bad time with it.
What did you do well?
desgining it.
What could you have done better?
The whole game.
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